Expect to meet God here. It's the whole reason why we exist. If you are looking for answers, we believe Selah Church is a great place to find them in Jesus, You should expect normal people, seeking to love God and love people. We strive to have a friendly culture, with secure spaces for your kids to thrive.

When you pull into the parking lot you will see our signage that will direct you towards our Worship Center and our Selah Kid's Check-in area. You will then be greeted by our team who strive to create a culture of care and kindness.
You’ll then be greeted with a warm welcome from our team. During your visit, you’ll hear about the hello table. This is your one stop shop to get all your questions answered and get details on the next steps we’ve designed for you and you'll receive a small gift.
The word "selah" is a Hebrew word that means to pause and reflect. Our heart is to truly be a place of rest where you can come in, exhale stress and inhale the peace of God. This is a place where you can pause in God's presence, you can reflect on God's goodness, and then you respond with bold faith. 
After worship we transition into a Biblically applicable sermon that is apart of an ongoing series. We are currently on a series entitled, "Blue Prints: God's plan & purpose" where we are diving into navigating through what God has planned for your life and the purpose He has destined you for. 


Thanks to the Captional App we are able to translate our service into 30 different languages.

Steps for Captional
1. Download the Captional App
2. Select the room "SELAH"
3. Choose your preferred language
4. The Captions will appear directly on your phone.


Find the most asked questions and their answers right here.
What are your services like?
Our services are typically 1.5 hours long. They're friendly. encouraging and full of hope. We promise to honor your time. We know it's valuable!  
What will happen when I visit for the first time?
You'll be greeted with a warm welcome from our team. After service we would love for you to stop by our Hello Table to grab your gift and answer any questions.
What do I wear?
There is a no dress code when coming to worship and being a part of Selah Church. Come in what's comfortable to you!
What's the vibe like?
You're family already. We are Jesus people, not religious people. We like really good conversation. Hugging is optional. We like you the way you are.
What do you offer for middle school and high schoolers?
With a growing church we are currently creating a 678 Youth group which is for 6th-8th grade only. We also have monthly hang outs for our Selah YTH high schoolers where we go out to have fun and talk about Jesus. 


We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.