Ep. 1: Just Move
Faith doesn't come with a finish line, but with all the books, sermons, and even music that describe faith as a point of arrival, we can forget its purpose. We can be so overwhelmed with the idea of attaining this unfamiliar "something" that we get stagnant. Not because we don't want to engage our faith, but because it's built up to be something overwhelmingly impossible. But faith’s not something to achieve t's a journey where our trust and confidence in God can grow. In this 4-session series from the book of Hebrews, we are going to discover what it looks like to continue on our faith journey and some of the expected (and unexpected) opportunities that can help us to keep going when we get stuck. We'll discover faith is a starting point, not a finish line, and is a movement that can change lives. At the end of this series, we'll see the faith of others can motivate you to persevere and set-backs are an inevitable part of your journey.