This is the Generation of those who diligently seek him

Psalm 24:6

Selah Church is a new church with a mission for Davenport, Florida. We are the generation to intentionally seek God. To lift our head high and to open our heart wide. To intentionally serve our city with compassion. To be in the middle of God's Will, centered around Jesus, and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Sundays at selah church

We start every service with spirit lead worship. We then transition our night into an encouraging and Biblically applicable sermon.  We always end our gatherings with prayer and allow room for anyone to receive prayer. Our focus is to pause in God's presence, to reflect on His word, His goodness, to respond with bold faith, and to leave filled with hope.

We started our gatherings as a House Church on Sunday Evenings where we experienced the presence of God in such a beautiful way. We began praying as a church for a building and God blessed us to be able to gather on Sunday Evenings at 4:00pm at The Gate Church located at 508 South Hwy 17-92, Davenport, FL.

What about my kids?

Don't worry, we've got this! There's lots of fun to be had at Selah Kids where every week, our leaders pour into the next generation. Raising up world changers who love God and His house. Our mission is to create a space where each kid can grow strong in their faith and learn how to dream big!

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Service Times

Sunday Evenings

4:00 pm

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